Modern Slavery Statement

Last Updated
February 17, 2025

Clarity is part of Portman Travel Group.

At Portman Travel Group, we respect and uphold the human rights of all our employees and the wider community in which we operate. As defined by the UK Government, modern slavery includes slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking and it is a clear violation of the human rights we stand for.

In 2024, Portman Travel Group continued to manage the risk of modern slavery in our operations through policy, education and risk assessment. We recognise the importance of our supply chain and the impact we have outside of our own operations. Therefore, in 2025 we are committed to improving our due diligence and collaborating with our trusted partners to ensure that we do our part in the drive to eliminate modern slavery.

Our Modern Slavery Statement outlines the progress we have made in 2024 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking at Portman Travel Group. It also serves to re-establish our commitment to the global goal of eradicating all forms of modern slavery, as well as setting out our plans for 2025 to continue to mitigate our risk.

Redmond Walsh
CEO Portman Travel Group